Look of course you are gonna have to catch some eyes at first being new you are gonna have to give a little extra weight be on top of shipping and a active vendor, that means to be on the front page you have to everyday re list you listings. you simply open a new tab on the add listing button and on the first tan open up your edit of a listing then you copy and paste the listing g and press enter. There bam your listing is the first on in the section. Vendors do this everyday, twice a day to stay on the front. At first you are gonna have to make some ppl happy, it takes money to make money. Read reviews see what is making the buyers happy and emulate or improve upon the concept. A little free thinking goes a long way in this market. This weeks news is next weeks memory, the market is fast and you got to move with it not let your listings float to the back page. my 0.02btc X) nomad